AISHE ID: U-0751
11 Feb 2025
Rohtak, Haryana - 124001
( A State University established under Haryana Act 24 of 2014 )
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Notice Inviting Quotation - Whitewashing in Sculpture Studio in Visual Arts, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- cleaning of sewerage lines, manholes of residential complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Sanitery Items for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Providing and fixing of Everest make air-blower with pump & accessories in sewerage treatment plant, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Comprehensive Maintenance of Gym equipments for a tenure of 03 years in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- for the purchasing of new bulbs and technical stationery (accesseries) in the lighting store of FFTV, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- for the purchasing of 02 nos. V Mount Batteries for the Department of Cinematography, FFTV, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- cleaning of sewerage lines, manholes of residential complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- cleaning of sewerage lines, manholes of residential complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- for the purchasing of 02 nos. V Mount Batteries for the Department of Cinematography, FFTV, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- for the purchasing of 34 nos. Hard Disks/Drives, make WD or Seagate (4TB Portable with external power supply adaptor), DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- for the purchasing of new bulbs and technical stationery (accessories) in the lighting store of FFTV, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Tender for Whitewashing in Sculpture Studio in Visual Arts, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Rewinding of ceiling fan of Girls Hostel & University Campus, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply of P.H.E. Items for repair of damaged waste water disposal pipeline in Design Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of tools & equipment's for plumber for day-to-day maintenance works in University Capus and Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply of PHE accessories for Guest House, DLCSUPVA,Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply of Sanitary items for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply of material for repairing of leakage in girls toilet, FTV Department, DLCSUPVA,Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply & fixing of water tank for Residetial Complex & Girls Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply of material for direct connection of 02 no. damaged tanks at 950 & 1900 Sft building, DLCSUPVA,Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation - Providing and fixing of new CPVC Pipeline for main gate and supply of material for VC Residence & miscellaneous items, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation - Opening of choked sewer manhole of FFTV Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of check-in, check-out counter and property/bays counter/ rack in FPA Library in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation - Providing and fixing of privacy glass film and computer L-shape workstation in newly built office of PMS and nodal officer in Design building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Purchasing of 02 nos. V Mount Batteries for the Department of Cinematography, FFTV from reputed manufacturer/dealers/sole distributers etc., DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Purchasing of new bulbs and technical stationery (accessories) in the lighting store of FFTV from reputed manufacturer/dealers/sole distributers etc, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Purchasing of 34 nos. Hard Disks/Drives, make WD or Seagate (4TB Portable with external power supply adaptor) from reputed manufacturer/dealers/sole distributers etc, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for Hiring a cloud server to host university website
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Horticulture Items in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of material for direct connection of 2 no. damaged tank at 950 and 1900 Sft building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender : Rate Contract for Hiring of Vehical for FFTV Student Project of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of tools and Equipments for plumber for day-to-day maintenance work in university campus and resedential complex, DLCSUPVA Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply and fixing of water tank for resedential complex and girls hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of material for repairing girls toilet, FTV department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of PHE accessories for guest house, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Tender : Rate contract for hiring of vehicle for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of 385 to 395 Ltr. New Refrigerator for Guest House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of Genset of FTV Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply and erection of UPS batteries in VC Office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of material for repairing of leakage in Girls Toilet, FTV Department, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- supply & fixing of water tank for Residetial Complex & Girls Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of tools and Equipments for plumber for day-to-day maintenance work in university campus and resedential complex, DLCSUPVA Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of seasonal flowers for winter season in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply and installation of Laddi Lighting on rent basis on the occasion of Diwali Festival & Haryana Day w.e.f 31-10-2024 to 1-11-2024 for 2 days in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Annual maintenance of Landscaping work of Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing & Visual Arts (DLCSUPVA), Sector-6, Rohtak for the year 2024-25 (Residential Campus).
Tender for Providing and replacing the grills on the boundary of the University Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing aluminium partitions and modular workstation in IT Lab of Design Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Operation and CMC work of HVAC chiller system in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Comprehensive annual maintenance of Johnsons and Kone make Lifts in University Campus and Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender For Comprehensive Maintenance of Gym equipments for a tenure of 03 years in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing of Everest make air-blower with pump & accessories in sewerage treatment plant, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
tender for Appointment of Indian Vendor for Supply of Indian/Foreign Print and Electronic Journals /Magazines to the University Library, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak for a period of five years
Reinviting Quotations for cleaning sewerage line, supply and fixing water tank and various tool equipments for plumber in DLCSUPA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of float glass on fixed window in Resedential complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Supply of various sanitary items for repairing maintenance work in University Campus and Resedential complex of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of Genset of FTV Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Cleaning sewerage line of Girl Hostel and adjacent Vice-Chancellor Residence sewerage line alongwith Supply of 1 no. sewerage submersible Pump for DLCSUPVA,Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Tools nd Equipments for plumber for day-to-day maintenance work in university campus and resedential complex of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and fixing of 2000 litre water Tank for 950 sft building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- SSD with form factor 2.5'' and NVMePCIeM.2SSD
Tender for Repairing of 10 HP Vertical Multistage pump in pump house, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Repairing of various Air-Conditioner in University Campus, DLCSUPVA, ROHTAK
Appointment of Indian Vendor for Supply of Indian/Foreign Print and Electronic Journals /Magazines to the University Library, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Repairing of 10HP Vertical Multistage Pump in Pump House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Repairing of Various Air-Conditioners in University Campus DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Rate contract for hiring of vehicle for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 13.08.2024.
Tender for Hiring of vehicle for FFTV student project of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 13.08.2024
Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance of Gym equipments for a tenure of 03 years in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 10-08-2024.
Tender for Providing and replacing the grills on the boundary of the University Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 10-08-2024.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply and Installation of new AC for the office of Associate Professor FPA, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of new 40 KVA online UPS in Design Deptartment, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Purchase of Seeds and Plants for Horticulture in DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of SSD
Tender for Providing and fixing of wall panelling in Design Building (Meeting Room and Registrar Office) of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 03-08-2024.
Tender for Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 03-08-2024.
Tender for Preparing toilet and ramps for persons with disability in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 29-07-2024.
Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance of Gym equipments for a tenure of 03 years in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 27-07-2024.
Tender for Special repairing of F.P.A. Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 03-08-2024.
Quotation invited from the reputed suppliers for the purchase of NonConsumable and Consumable material for Print Making Lab in Faculty of Visual Arts
Quotation Notice for the purchase of Non-consumable & consumable material for Print Making lab in Faculty of Visual Arts
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of hot and cold water dispenser commercial type Make - Aquaguard
Tender for Purchase of Horticulture items for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 22-07-2024.
Tender for Providing and replacing the grills on the boundary of the University Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.. Till 22-07-2024
Notice Inviting Quotation from the Local Market on behalf of Registrar, DLCSUPVA for Repairing of Signage and Kiosk
Notice Inviting Quotation from the Local Market on behalf of Registrar, DLCSUPVA for Repairing of Signage and Kiosk
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of 385 Ltr. New Refrigerator for guest house in DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of national flag in DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Construction of platform for Selfie Statue in front of common Auditorium, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Construction of Platform of Selfie statue in front of common Auditorium, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of 385 Ltr.New Refrigerator for Guest House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing S.S. 304 Grade Parking Designation Plate in front of Design Building Shed, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of door closer in Guest House in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Cleaning sewrage line of girls hostel and adjacent Vice-Chancellor residence sewrage line alongwith supply of 1 no. sewarage submersible pump, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for Material requirement for day to day maintenance and troubleshooting of Lan ,Wi-Fi and CCTV Network at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- SSD with form factor 2.5'' (SATA Interface for desktop/laptop)
Notice Inviting Quotation- Redevelopment of tubewell borewell in university campus and resedential complex at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of open submersible pumps installed in resedential complex along with supply of new submersible pumps and plumbing accessories at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and fixing vitrified tiles in Computer Lab of FPA Building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 27-06-2024.
Tender for Providing and replacing the grills on the boundary of the University Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 27-06-2024.
Tender for Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-06-2024.
Tender for Special repair of Visual Arts Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 25-06-2024.
Tender for Preparing toilet and ramps for persons with disability in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 26-06--2024
Tender for Providing and fixing of wall panelling in Design Building (Meeting Room and Registrar Office) of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 26-06-2024.
Notice Inviting Quotation : Supply of Air-Conditioners for 3rd Floor of Guest House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply of 385 ltr. new refrigerator for guest house DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for supply and fixing of air-conditioners accessories at 3rd floor of guest house DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying badarpur sand (Moohram) in kacha path of herbal garden in resedential campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing door closer in guest house in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice for inviting Quotations of OMR Sheets- Last Date 14/06/2024
Quotations Rohtak are hereby invited through email in the name of Registrar, DLCSUPVA from vendors authorized by ADOBE for annual renewal of 20 Creative Cloud (Twenty) Adobe AlI Apps Licenses
Notice Inviting Quotation for the purchase of Non-consumable & consumable material for Print Making lab in Faculty of Visual Arts at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Material requirement for day to day maintenance and troubleshooting of Lan ,Wi-Fi and CCTV Network at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Material requirement doe day to day maintenance and troubleshooting of Lan ,Wi-Fi and CCTV Network at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of the submersible pumps installed in Resedential complex alongwith supply of new submersible pumps and plumbing accessories, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Rewinding of ceiling fan of girls hostel & university campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying badarpur sand (Moohram) in kacha path of herbal garden in resedential campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of door closer in Guest House in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replacement of Acrylic Sheet words of CNC Board at terrace of design Dept. , DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of 2 Nos. 1.5 Ton capacity Air-Conditioners at IT&E Server Room, FTV Dept. DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply and fixing of new batteries for 10 KVA Online UPS in IT&E Server Room, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replace the window of Mini Auditorium in FTV Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of door closer in Guest House in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for installation of CCTV Cameras at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for providing Bulk SMS Services of 50,000 SMS valid for a year in DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for providing SMS services on post-paid basis (Monthly/Quarterly) in DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying badarpur sand (Moohram) in kacha path of herbal garden in resedential campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of new LED Flood Light for Girl Hostel in Resedential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of pedestal and wall Fans for guest House Dining Hall, Ground Floor and First Floor at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for installation of CCTV Cameras at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Painting of indiation board at outer orner of Boundary wall of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Procurement of P.H.E material and repairing of sanitary ware fixtures in University Campus, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of P.H.E related items for repairing of leakage of water pipeline behind FTV Dept. and Guest House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of various pumps, motors and providing new water connection in Resedential complex, Garden Pipeline in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of accessories (Pillar cock handle, fitting assembly and covers) for sanitary fittings of jaguar make in University campus, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of open well submersible pumps installed at pump house at university campus. DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Various Sanitary Items/ fitting and fixtures of washrooms in University campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Construction of compost Pit in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replace the window of server room of Mini Auditorium in FTV Department in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying badarpur sand (Moohram) in kacha path of herbal garden in resedential campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of accessories (Pillar cock handle, fitting assembly and covers) for sanitary fittings of jaguar make in University campus, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Construction of composed Pit in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of seasonal plants tray for horticulture works in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of P.H.E related items for repairing of leakage of water pipeline behind FTV Dept. and Guest House, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Various Sanitary Items/ fitting and fixtures of washrooms in University campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Electrical items for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replace the window of server room of Mini Auditorium in FTV Department in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing aluminium wire gauge shutter at Registrar office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying of Badarpur Sand in Kacha path of Herbal garden in Resedential Campus in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replace the window of server -room of Mini-Auditorium in FTV Dept. in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Corrigendum for amendment in term & condition in the tender reference no. 2024-HRY-364138-1
Corrigendum for amendment in term & condition in the tender reference no. 2024-HRY-364138-1
Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Expression of Interest for Engagement of Architect / Architectural Firms at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice inviting quotation for Supply of accessories for sanitary fittings of jaguar make in university campus, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotation for Repairing of open well submersible pumps installed at pump house of university campus DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotation for supplying and laying of Badarpur Sand (Moohram) in Kacha Path of Herbal Garden in Residential Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotation for providing and fixing looking mirror Glass in girl Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotation for providing and fixing looking mirror Glass in girl Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak Notice inviting quotation for providing and fixing looking mirror Glass in girl Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak Notice inviting quotation for providing and fixing looking mirror Glass in girl Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotation for providing and fixing aluminium wire gauge shutter at the Registrar Office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for procurement of bandwidth 100 mbps
Tender for Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) of 400 KWp On-Grid Roof Mounted Solar Power Plant on Rooftop of Various Building in Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing and Visual Arts, Rohtak (Haryana).
Notice Inviting Quotation : Providing and fixing of Vinyl Posters with laminatins in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Purchase of Ceremic Pot 18" size in shape of Gamla for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replace the window of server room of Mini Auditorium in FTV Department in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance of Air Conditioners (Ductable, Split, Cassette & Tower Type) in University Campus and VC residence, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2024
Tender for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for VRV/VRF Plant in University Campus, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2024
Tender for Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2024
Tender for Special repair of Visual Arts Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2024
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing PVC wall paneling in Ramp hall and post construction of anti-termite treatment in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Splicing of Fiber Cables of CCTV Cameras, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Quotation for Rewinding of Exhaust Fans of washrooms of all the Departments DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for providing and fixing of the UPS and batteries for the IT&E Department CCTV Power Distribution System at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supplying and laying badarpur sand in kacha path of herbal garden in resedential campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing aluminium wire gauge shutter at registrar office in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Oil Room Heater for UEW Branch, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Tender : Post construction anti-termite treatment in Girls Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Special repairing of 950 Sft houses at Residential Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Construction of pedestals from main gate of the University to around of all the departments lawn, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Construction of pedestals from main gate of the University to around of all the departments lawn, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for providing and fixing of the UPS and batteries for the IT&E Department CCTV Power Distribution System at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and applying the paints on the Art Gallery wall in Visual Arts, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Poviding and fixing Aluminium wire Gauge shutter at Registrar Office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of tiles in Girls Hostel, VC Office, and Miscellaneous work in Registrar Office.in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Supplying And Laying of Badarpur sand(Moohram) in Kacha pathof Herbal Garden in Residential Campus of DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Publication of Advertisement for e-tender for Production of the Kulgeet Video of Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing and Visual Arts, Rohtak
Tender for Comprehensive Annual maintenance contract for WI-FI & LAN Network at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing looking mirror glass in girls hostel in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing and painting of room no. 13 FPA Building and FC Office of Visual Arts in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing engraving stone and sign board at main gate of University Campus in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fiing tiles in girls Hostel, VC Office and Miscellaneous works in Registrar Office in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Machinery Items for horticulture works in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Collection of farm yard manure, Earth work, jamna sand and labour for horticulture works in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing aluminium wire gauge shutter at Registrar office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Construction of pedestals from main gate of the University to around of all the departments lawn, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 15-01-2024.
Tender for Providing of electric connection for machines in Sculpture Lab and Art Gallery of Visual Art Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.. Till 15-01-2024.
Tender for Supply and erection of street light in Residential complex near 1900 Sft and Herbal Garden of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 15-01-2024
Tender for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Firewall for Server Room at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Production of Kulgeet Video Version of Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing & Visual Arts (DLCSUPVA), Sector-6, Rohtak. Till 01-01-2024
Quotation for Microsoft Campus Agreement 2UJ-00011, DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Collection of Farm Yard Manjure, Earth work, Jamna sand and labour of horticulture works in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Special repairing of 950 Sft houses at Residential Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 19-12-2023.
Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for Water Coolers/Purifiers installed in University Campus & Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing engraving stone and sign board at main gate of University Campus
Notice Inviting Quotation- Printing and fixing aluminium wire gauge shutter in Registrar Office DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Purchase of Machinery item, for Horticulture works in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation Supplying and laying of Badarpur Sand (Moohram) in Kacha path of Herbal Garden in Resedential Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing & fixing of fasteners on stone cladding of all buildings of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 28-11-2023.
Tender for Post construction anti-termite treatment in Girls Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 12-12-2023.
Tender for Special repair of Visual Arts Building in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 12-12-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Fertilizers, Insecticides, Weedicides in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of shrub master/ Rotary slasher for DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Corrigendum Date extended :Purchase of Fertilizers, Insecticides, Weedicides in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of tiles in Girls Hostel, VC Office, and Miscellaneous work in Registrar Office.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing of open well submersible pumps installed at pump house at university campus.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Fertilizers, Insecticides, Weedicides in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of Fertilizers, Insecticides, Weedicides in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Supply of LED Flood Light in Indoor Gym, Utility Block & Gate No. 2 of DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Supply of Laddi Lightning on rent basis on the occasion on of Diwali Festival
Notice Inviting Quotation- Replacement of damaged HT XLPE undeground cable from VCB to transformer.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Purchase of shrub master/ Rotary slasher for DLCSUPVA Rohtak
Tender for Comprehensive annual maintenance of 5 Nos. Johnsons make Lift and 01 No. Kone make Lift for 12 months in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing of Acoustic Paneling in Meeting Room on Ground Floor, Architecture Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 13-10-2023.
Tender for Construction of balance boundary wall behind 1900 sft area houses alongwith road with earth filling in Residential Campus of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 20-10-2023.
Quotation Invites - Purchase of seasonal Flowers for winter season for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing aluminium partition for Establishment Branch and Office of Nodal Officer in Design Building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 16-10-2023.
National Contemporary Repousse Sculpture & Training Camp
Notice Inviting Quotation- Requirement of Mason and Helpers at DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation Purchase of Ceramic Pot in shape of Gamla for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for production of the kulgeet video of dada lakhmi chand state university of performing and visual arts, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation Purchase of Ceramic Pot in shape of Gamla for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender/Quotation for Purchase of Hardware of IT Systems, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Maintenance of Landscaping work of Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing & Visual Arts (DLCSUPVA), Sector-6, Rohtak
Tender : Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for Water Coolers/Purifiers installed in University Campus & Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Providing and fixing of Parking Shed in Girls Hostel, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender : Repairing of Utility Block in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender : Providing and fixing of Acoustic Paneling in Meeting Room on Ground Floor, Architecture Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Quotation for Purchase of National Flags for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Development of existing Bore-well near VC Office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and fixing of the Automatic Fire-Fighting Extinguishers in the Studios of the FFTV Department, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-08-2023.
Quotation Invite- Purchase of National Flags, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Quotation Invite- Purchase of National Flags, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- shooting light bulbs for FFTV
Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for Water Coolers/Purifiers installed in University Campus & Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-08-2023.
Tender for Shifting and repairing of 164 KWp Solar installed at rooftop of various Departments of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-08-2023.
Tender for Maintenance of Landscaping work of Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing & Visual Arts (DLCSUPVA), Sector-6, Rohtak for the year 2023- 24 (6 Months) (i.e. 01.10.2023 to 31.03.2024). Till 24-08-2023.
Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance and Operation of 320 KLD Sewerage Treatment Plant with Supply and Fixing of Pumps and accessories in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-08-2023.
Tender for Providing and fixing of Parking Shed in front of Design Building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-08-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Supply of Tools for Electricians of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Providing and fixing of Name Plate and supply of miscellaneous items for Registrar Office, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Refilling of Fire-Fighting Extinguisher and Repairing of the Fire-Fighting Jockey Pumps with its accessories, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Construction of Green House in Nursery in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-08-2023.
Tender for Repairing of Utility Block in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 10-08-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation- 4TB Harddisk with external power supply, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Quotation Invite- Purchase of E.I Items, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing and Whitewash of Exam Branch in FPP Building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation- Repairing and Whitewash of Office of executive Engg.DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Quotation Invite- Purchase of Fertilizers Insecticides & Weedicides in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Quotation Invite- Purchase of cemented & Earthen pot for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Quotation Invite- Amendment in the University name at various locations for DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Quotation for Maintenance etc. of KOHA in the University Library, Dada Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing and Visual Arts, Rohtak
Comprehensive AMC of 4 Nos. Kone make lifts in Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Tenders to be received till: 03.00 PM on dated 21-07-2023
Tender for Shifting and repairing of 164 KWp Solar installed at rooftop of various Departments of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 20-07-2023.
Tender for Construction of Green House in Nursery in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 19-07-2023
Tender for Refilling of Fire-Fighting Extinguisher and Repairing of the Fire-Fighting Jockey Pumps with its accessories, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 20-07-2023
Tender for Special repairing of Pump House and underground water tank in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-07-2023
Quotation Invites- Repairing and amendment in Room no. 1 of Design Building, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation for the purchase of Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS).
Corrigendum- Cancellation of Special repairing of Pump House and underground water tank in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting quotation for 4TB Harddisk with external power supply
Post construction of anti-termite treatment of Guest House Building of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Special repairing of Pump House and underground water tank in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice for online quotations of Pre-printed Degree, DMC's
Quotation Invites- OMR Sheets for entrance Test, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation : Supply of National Flag in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak
E-tendering for hiring of Ertiga, Eicher 1059, Tempo Travellor.
E-tendering for hiring of 62.5KVA mobile Gen. set (silent) without diesel and towing vehicle with fuel.
Tender for Shifting and repairing of 164 KWp Solar installed at rooftop of various Departments of DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 01-07-2023.
Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance and Operation of 320 KLD Sewerage Treatment Plant with Supply and Fixing of Pumps and accessories in DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 01-07-2023
Tender for Comprehensive AMC of 4 Nos. Kone make lifts in Residential Complex, DLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-06-2023
Quotation Notice - Supply of P.H.E related equipments for university campus and residential complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Quotation Notice - Supply of P.H.E related equipments for university campus and residential complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Notice Inviting Quotation of Reparing and Fixing of Advertisement boards of University at various locations in the Rohtak City
Tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment of Guest House Building of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Tenders to be received till: 05.00 PM on dated 05-06-2023.
Tender for Special repairing of Pump House and underground water tank in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Tenders to be received till: 05.00 PM on dated 13-06-2023.
Tender for Providing and laying of water proofing treatment of terrace at various department in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak - Tenders to be received till 05:00 PM on dated 31-05-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotations for Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance System
Tender for Providing and fixing sound proof acoustical paneling in Server Room of class in FTV Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 23-05-2023
Bidding Document for Comprehensive AMC of 4 Nos. Kone make lifts in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing sound proof acoustical paneling in Server Room of class in FTV Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and laying of water proofing treatment of terrace at various department in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
E-Tender for the hiring of Ertiga, Eicher 1059, Tempo Travellor, 62.KVA Mobile Gen Set(Silent) with towing vehicle in FTV PLCSUPVA, ROHTAK
tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment at 1900 sft and 950 sft houses in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 02-05-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation Providing and fixinf Paper Rack
Notice Inviting Quotation Purchase of Hardware of IT System
Quotation Notice for purchase of Non-consumable and consumable material for Print Making Lab in Faculty of Visual Arts
Tender for Purchase of Computers, Workstations, Personal Computers, MF Printers & Photocopier Machines for various Departments in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 21.04.2023
Tender for Comprehensive AMC of 4 Nos. Kone make lifts in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 21-04-2023
Notice Inviting Quotation Repairing of PVC Water Tanks in PLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation Repairing of PVC Water Tanks in PLCSUPVA Rohtak
Tender for Providing and laying of water proofing treatment of terrace at various department in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 13-04-2023.
Tender for Post Construction of Anti-Termite Treatment
Corrigendum Date extended of Tender forProviding and fixing of Automatic Fire Fighting Extinguishersin the studios of FFTV Department in PLCSUPVA
Corrigendum Date extended of Tender for Operation and CMC work of HVAC Chiller system in PLCSUPVA
Inviting Quotation - Repairing and White Washing of walls in Residential campus
Construction of boundary wall at back side of 1900 Sft building in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for hiring of Ertiga, Eicher 1059, Tempo Travellor, 62.5 KVA mobile gen. set (Silent) with towing vehicle
Notice Inviting Quotation Repairing and servicing of DG Sets of VC Residence and Fine art Building
Tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment at 1900 sft and 950 sft houses in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 28-03-2023
Tender for Comprehensive AMC of 4 Nos. Kone make lifts in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 25-03-2023
Tender for Operation and CMC work of HVAC chiller system in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 24-03-2023
Tender for Providing and fixing of insulation over the chilled water line laid over Design and FTV Building rooftop, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 19-03-2023
Tender for Procurement/Supply and Installation of Dress forms/Body forms for Fashion Design Labs at PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 10.04.2023
Notice Inviting Quotations from the Supplier/Agencies/Manufacture for the Purchase of Furniture Items till Dated 20/03/2023
Tender for Providing and fixing of the Automatic Fire-Fighting Extinguishers in the Studios of the FFTV Department, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 24-03-2023
Notice Inviting Quotation- Block Patas, Border, butta, etc.
Notice Inviting Quotations of Laser Cutting Machine
Notice Inviting Quotation to Suppliers/Agencies/Manufacture for the purchase of Furniture Items
Quotation Invites- Supply of national Flag in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Inviting Quotation - Providing and fixing of Sheds over Water Coolers
Inviting Quotation - Providing and fixing of Sheds over Water Coolers
Inviting Quotation - Providing and fixing of Sheds over Water Coolers
Inviting Quotation - Preparationof Storage racks in BCM Lab and Carpentry Lab
Inviting Quotation - Purchase of Hardware of IT system
Tender for Construction of boundary wall at back side of 1900 Sft building in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2023.
Tender for Construction of boundary wall at back side of 1900 Sft building in Residential Complex, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-03-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation Repairing and servicing of DG sets, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing of aluminium partition at various departments in Campus of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 22-02-2023
Tender for Repairing and Supply of Air-Conditioners and its accessories at various places of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 02-03-2023.
Notice inviting quotations for purchase of Servo Stabilizer 5 KVA for treadmill in indoor gym of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Notice inviting quotations for purchase of Servo Stabilizer 5 KVA for treadmill in indoor gym of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and fixing of shed over a portion of UEW Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 21-02-2023.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Jute Folder. Till 20-02-2023
Notice Inviting Quotation Office furniture. Till 20-02-2023
Preparation of Storage racks in BCM lab and Carpentry lab for dept of UPA in PLCSUPVA
Tender for Auction of Shop Amended 1
DNIQ for repairing and servicing of DG sets of VC residence PLCSUPVA Rohtak
DNIQ for Purchase of LED Bulb 40 Watt for Road Light of PLCSUPVA Rohtak
Notice Inviting Quotation Providing of Open water pipe Fittings
Tender of LED Lights Bidding Document
Purchasing of New Shooting LED Light for FFTV Department under PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and fixing of overhead entry Indication Board at Gate No. 1 of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-02-2023.
Providing and fixing of aluminium partition at various departments in Campus of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Inviting Quotation - Providing of 5000 ltr water storage tank and demarcation/Painting of tanks in STP Block in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Providing and fixing of shed over a portion of UEW Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 31-01-2023.
Inviting Quotations for Providing and fixing of 150mm/200mm butterfly valves in water circulation system G.I. line
Inviting Quotations for Purchase of electrical item for VC Office, UPA, Guest House & VC Camp Office for day to day maintenance in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
DNIQ for Purchase of electrical item for VC Office, UPA, Guest House & VC Camp Office for day to day maintenance in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Providing and fixing overhead cantilever Sign Board in Rohtak City at Ladhot Road
Tender for Setting up a Foley Recording Studio in FTV Building, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 12-01-2023
Quotation Invites- Providing and Fixing of 115 mm thick security Glass and repairing of Iron Rack in Design Building PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Purchasing of New Shooting LED Light for FFTV Department under PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 19-01-2023
Inviting Quotation - Providing and Fixing of 11.5mm Thick security Glass and repairing of Iron rack in Design building.
Notice Inviting Quotation Removing wooden panelling and white washing in the office of HOD of FPA department, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Setting up a Foley Recording Studio in FTV Building, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 19-12-2022
Tender for Preparing of Clinic in FPA Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 16-12-2022.
Tender for Repairing of settled footpath around Utility Block in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 21.12.2022
Tender for Auction of Shops. Till 22.12.2022
Inviting Quotations -Testing samples of waste water of STP in PLCSUPVA
Providing of open water pipe fittings in washrooms of VC Residence at PLCSUPVA
Notice Inviting Quotation Supply of Batteries for DG Sets
Notice Inviting Quotation Repairing of geysers installed at VC Residence and Girls Hostel, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak
Tender for Auction of Shops
CORRIGENDUM of tender for Supply and erection of various rating LED lights and E.I. material for day to day maintenance of various departments of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak,
Tender for Supply and erection of various rating LED lights and E.I. material for day to day maintenance of various departments of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 02-11-2022.
Tender for Repairing of settled footpath around Utility Block in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 03-11-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing overhead cantilever Sign Board in Rohtak City at Ladhot Road. Till 26-10-2022
DNIQ for Providing and fixing of Laddi Lighting on rent basis on the occasion of Diwali Festival w.e.f. 23.10.2022 to 24.10.2022 (for 2 days) in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
DNIQ for Supply and erection of E.I. item in open Gym in Residential Complex and supply of E.I. material for Girls Hostel, FTV Department & Design Department, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-10-2022
Tender for Conversion of conventional type Shooting Light into LEDs and supply of new LED Lights in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-10-2022
Tender for Supply and erection of various rating LED lights and E.I. material for day to day maintenance of various departments of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 26-10-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing of the Automatic Fire-Fighting Extinguishers in the Studios of the FFTV Department, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 27-10-2022.
Notice Inviting Quotation
DNIQ for Supply and erection of E.I. item in open Gym in Residential Complex and supply of E.I. material for Girls Hostel, FTV Department & Design Department, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.
Tender for Repairing, servicing, radiator cleaning, operation and maintenance of 12 no. various capacities DG sets of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak Till 11-10-2022
Tender for Preparing of Clinic in FPA Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 27-09-2022
Corrigendum Date extended of Tender for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for 672 HP VRV/VRF plant in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak,
Tender for Providing and fixing vitrified tiles in Room No. 205 and 206 of Design Department in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-09-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing of false ceiling in toilets of Residences of 1900 Sft and 950 Sft area in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 15-09-2022
Tender for Purchase of various items / machines / tools for setting up of Incubation Center at PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 15-09-2022
Tender for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for 672 HP VRV/VRF plant in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak.. Till 07-09-2022
Tender for Purchase of various IT items/ machines for setting up of incubation center at PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 15-09-2022
Tender for Repairing, servicing, radiator cleaning, operation and maintenance of 12 no. various capacities DG sets of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 26-08-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing of MS Doors in Ducts of various departments and repairing of Man Holes in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 20-08-2022
Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Split, Tower and Ductable type Air- Conditioner in University Campus and VC Residence of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 18-08-2022.
Tender for Providing and fixing of false ceiling in toilets of Residences of 1900 Sft and 950 Sft area in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 17-08-2022.
Tender for Conversion of conventional type Shooting Light into LEDs in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 18-07-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing of MS Doors in Ducts of various departments and repairing of Man Holes in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 13-07-2022
Tender for Providing and laying Interlocking Paver Blocks & Earth Filling in side of 1900 Sft area houses in Residential Complex of PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 16-07-2022
Tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment in Ramp Halls Auditorium of Design Building and Track Laying and Editing Lab of FFTV Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 11-07-2022
Tender for Annual repairing of Girls Hostel at Residential Campus in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 11-07-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing vitrified tiles in Room No. 205 and 206 of Design Department in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 04-07-2022
Tender for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for 672 HP VRV/VRF plant in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 29-06-2022
Tender for Comprehensive annual maintenance of 5 Nos. Johnsons make lifts for 12 months in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 23-06-2022
Tender for Providing and fixing of MS Doors in Ducts of various departments and repairing of Man Holes in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 22-06-2022
ender for Providing and fixing of electronic LED CNC Module Sign Board with steel letters in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-06-2022
Tender for Conversion of conventional type Shooting Light into LEDs in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 24-06-2022
Tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment in Ramp Halls Auditorium of Design Building and Track Laying and Editing Lab of FFTV Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 11-07-2022
Tender for Appointment of Indian Vendors for Supply of Indian and Foreign Books to the University Library, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak for Five Years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2027, Till 29-12-2021
Tender for Special repairing of Fall Ceiling and Guniting of FTV Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 28-12-2021
Tender for Special repair of Guest House Building in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 28-12-2021
Tender for Appointment of Indian Vendor for Supply of Indian/ foreign Magazines/ Journals to the University Library during the years 2021, 2022 & 2023. Till 29-12-2021
Tender for Post construction of anti-termite treatment in Fine Arts Building, PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 21-12-2021
Tender for Providing the aluminium ladder (mobile staircase) in PLCSUPVA, Rohtak. Till 30-11-2021